
Kent C. Dodds: 0:00 Wasn't that awesome? I think it was kind of awesome. I want you to keep in mind that if you haven't run into the problems that some of these hooks solved, then it might be a little bit difficult for everything to totally click. [0:14] I promise you that because you've gone through this material, when you do face those problems, it will click at that time. Don't be concerned if you're like, "What? I don't understand why useImperativeHandle is useful," or "When I would use useLayoutEffect, useDebugValue?"

0:31 Those things, it will eventually click for you when you run into the problems that those things are supposed to solve. Hopefully, you take some of this. You practice with it in your work application or your side projects. Those things can click for you even more and provide you a huge amount of value because you learned this stuff.

0:53 Thanks for hanging out with me through the "Advanced React Hooks." We'll see you around Epic React.