
Kent C. Dodds: 0:00 Did that blow your mind? I hope it did because I love these patterns. They can really just...You're inverting control. You're giving control over to the users of your components, so they don't keep on asking you to add a bunch of props or a bunch of different features to your components. [0:16] It makes your components scale beyond yourself because it allows your users to have a little bit more control over how the component works. I've seen a lot of success using several of these patterns in libraries that I've built and that people are using, both internal libraries when I worked at PayPal as well as opensource libraries that people are using on a day-to-day basis.

0:38 I hope that you found a couple of tricks that you can apply both in your application code as well as in library code that can simplify your components and make it easier for you to make changes over time. I hope you really enjoyed this, and we'll see you around Epic React.