
Kent C. Dodds: 0:00 Did you have a good time writing all those tests? Yeah, maybe it was a little bit of a marathon. [0:05] Testing isn't everybody's favorite thing but React Testing Library and the abstractions that we provide in the Testing Library family of tools makes testing pretty palatable and the value that you get out of the types of tests that you can write with React Testing Library is just...It's awesome.

0:24 I'm also super thrilled that we have MSW to make mocking HTTP requests so awesome, so nice. You're going to love this when you start testing in the Build a React App workshop. That is so awesome. The cool things that you can do because we have MSW to handle mocking, those back-end requests for us.

0:46 I hope you had a good time with that. I hope that you take some of the things that you learned, and you just go npm install React Testing Library in your application so that you can start getting real confidence that you're not going to break anything when you ship stuff to your users.

0:59 Have fun with all the awesome testing tools that you learned, and I'll see you around on Epic React.