Before we get started, there are just a few things to understand. Below is a complete overview video that covers how all the modules in Epic React work.

They follow a pattern:

  • Read the welcome text for the module.
  • Watch the welcome video!
  • Clone a git repository for the module.
  • Install the dependencies.
  • Open the cloned code in the IDE of your choice. I like VSCode and included my favorite extensions for React developers in each repository so you can install them if you like.
  • Run the application code in the repository.
  • Watch the intro video for the first exercise.
  • Switch to your IDE and do the exercise.
  • Watch the solution video where I explain how I solved it.
  • Do the extra credit exercises and watch those solutions as well.


Don't worry, everything is step by step and you'll be learning React before you know it.

Pre-Workshop Instructions/Requirements

In order for us to maximize our efforts during the workshop, please complete the
following things to prepare.

Before you start this workshop it is critical that you have your working environment setup and ready to go. Keep working through this section!

Your success starts here! Once you understand how this is going to work, it will be consistent through all 320+ exercises and solutions we will work on together!


Kent C. Dodds: 0:00 As you get started with each one of the workshops, you're going to want to go to the repo for each of the workshops, which will be linked in the material. Here, we'll just look at the React Fundamental's workshop repository. Make sure you smash that star button.

0:14 You can scroll down here and the first thing you'll see here is the prerequisites. These are some articles, or some tools, or whatever, some assumptions that I make as you enter this particular workshop. I'm making some assumptions that you know some of the JavaScript features that I'm going to be using in this particular workshop.

0:33 As you're coming into any of these workshops, having an understanding of JavaScript and some basic HTML and CSS is going to be really helpful for you. Also, I expect you to have the React DevTools installed because they're super helpful.

0:49 I use Chrome for all of the videos. You can use Firefox. You can use any other browser that you want to. Especially for the React Performance workshop, you're probably going to want to use Chrome because that's the browser that I'm using. The tools are...They exist in the other browsers, but they may be a little bit different. I would recommend using Chrome as you go through this material.

1:09 Also, we're going to need to have Git, Node and npm installed. These are the versions that we need for that. If you have them installed properly then you should be able to get those versions running these commands in your terminal.

1:24 Then we all have the setup script which is basically the same for all of the repositories. You clone the repository. You cd into the repository, and then you run the setup script. That's pretty much it as you get set up for each one of these workshops.