
My State Management Mistake

Kent C. Dodds
Kent C. Dodds

When I started at PayPal, the app I started with used Redux for its state management (like pretty much every other React app at the time). This was the first React product I'd ever worked on and I was excited to use the latest and greatest tools for state management. Unfortunately it wasn't long before I realized that Redux had some serious shortcomings and I haven't used it since.

However, this blog post isn't about Redux.

After working on that app, I had the privilege to work on the team that would rewrite (🤑) from the ground up. As a team we knew we didn't want to use Redux, but we automatically assumed we would need something to manage state, so we began the search. We eventually found a library that we thought would work out pretty well.

It did not.

I mean, it wasn't a disaster or anything, but unfortunately after a while, it was difficult for any of us to make sense of the app state. And it wasn't the fault of the library we chose. Frankly, what happened was we decided to avoid Redux, but then grabbed another library and made the same mistakes that made Redux such a problem: Almost all state was globally managed by the library.

So what should we have done? If I could go back in time and could only say one thing, here's what I would say:

Server cache is not the same as UI state, and should be handled differently.

What happened to me for pretty much every app I wrote up until even this year was that I would take the data I got from the server and treat it like it was UI state. I would mix it in with the actual UI state (stuff that's not persisted. You know, the stuff that goes away when you refresh the page), and this resulted in making both more complex. I would try and fail at state synchronization. Found myself in "impossible" states that were difficult to debug.

So what now?

Honestly, if I really could go back in time and meet myself, in addition to the one thing I said, I would hand myself a flash drive with a copy of on it (with instructions to give it to Tanner along with a thank you note). React Query is simply the perfect abstraction that can handle the server cache for me. It gives me all the right knobs to twist to set my caching strategy up just right.

And once my server cache is handled so perfectly by react-query, I don't have enough state left to feel like I need a library for the rest of it. React is a state management solution and it's a really good one when you componentize your state like you do your UI.

Honestly, was a small enough app that I wish we had embraced that (given react-query didn't exist). I think the state would have been easier to maintain had we colocated our state a little better.

Luckily, now we have react-query, React hooks, and a brilliant context API and that's all most applications will ever need for server cache and UI state management. I love it. And I'll teach you all about it on EpicReact.Dev 🚀

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