Current section: Introduction 16 exercises

Build React Hooks Introduction


00:00 Welcome to Build React Hooks Workshop where we're going to build a couple React Hooks from scratch to get a better understanding of how React Hooks work under the hood. So we're just going to do a couple of things in here it's going to be kind of a quicker workshop where we're going to be implementing useState

00:18 and we have to handle things and again like we're doing this from scratch no react allowed at least no react useState no react hooks allowed and so yeah you have to manage preserving the state between renders you have to do the re-rendering yourself a bunch of other things it's going to be a lot of fun and

00:36 then managing multiple hooks and how do you like identify one hook call from another so that is going to be a lot of fun and then use effects with the dependency arrays and without them so lots of really cool things going on in here we're going to be kind of cheating a little bit as far as TypeScript is

00:52 concerned because we are doing some hacky sort of things feel free to make the TypeScript a little bit more solid if you want to but I think that the the primary goal of this workshop is just so that you understand a little bit better how react hooks work under the hood and I'm excited to get started so

01:09 let's do that let's get started see you in the exercises