Free Tutorial

Get Started With React

Get Started With React

Ever found yourself staring at React code, feeling like you're missing something crucial? You're not alone. Many developers use React without understanding the fundamentals in depth.

This can leave you struggling when faced with more complex challenges down the road.

But you can build a rock-solid React foundation that will transform how you approach React development for the rest of your career.

This tutorial guides you through the essential building blocks of React. You'll start from scratch and gradually build up to creating custom components, gaining invaluable insights along the way. By understanding not just the 'how', but the 'why' behind React's functionality, you'll transform your approach to React development.

What to Expect:

  • Hello World in JS: Pure JavaScript to understand the basics.

  • Raw React APIs: Use React and ReactDOM without JSX.

  • JSX: Explore the power and syntax of JSX.

  • Custom Components: Create and use your first React component.

By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a deeper understanding of:

  • The relationship between JavaScript and React

  • How React elements are created and rendered

  • The purpose and power of JSX

  • The nature of React components and their role in building UIs

This tutorial is an excerpt from the React Fundamentals workshop

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For the best experience, we highly recommend you use the Epic Web workshop application on your local machine. It allows you to authenticate and work through the material as intended at your own pace.

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