Current section: Shared Context 36 exercises

Context Hook

Loading exercise


00:00 So Kelly was looking around the app, and she noticed, hey, we've got a default value for our context, so we probably don't need to render the search params context at all. Like, when we say use, we're going to just get this, and this looks good. So Kelly removed our context provider, and now the app is busted.

00:19 We are updating the URL, but we're not filtering properly. And we're not actually, look, I'm typing in here. Nothing's happening. We're in trouble. Something is not connecting quite right. I want you to play around with it and try and figure out if you understand why that's not working, and then let's remove this default value,

00:37 because it is totally borking our user experience. And yeah, then we'll see you when you're done.