Current section: Shared Context 36 exercises

Context Provider

Loading exercise


00:00 All right. So Kelly, the coworker, was refactoring the code. We're really grateful for Kelly, but she didn't quite finish because things are broken now with the refactorings that were done. We're no longer properly filtering the blog posts. And the reason is because we're using

00:14 use search params in two places and they are separate. So we need to add some context for our use search params. So we're going to create a search parameter provider and provide and that's going to manage our search params stuff. And then we'll just have our use search params be a simple

00:31 hook that uses that context provider and provides the same search params stuff to all of the components who care about the search params. So that's your job. When you're all done, this of course should work. So good luck.