Advanced React APIs Workshop 36 exercises

Outro to Advanced React APIs


00:00 Hey, you did it. How cool is that? We just finished with this really cool simulated server rendering narrow screen measuring thing with usync external store. Pretty cool. And we also

00:15 talked about this thing. Do you remember this? This is awesome. We can type in here and like you are great and hit enter and it switches back to a button. Very cohesive experience, really cool user experience in a way that allows that focus to be exactly where it needs to be.

00:32 And then you remember this? Yeah, Princess Leia and Luke scrolling to the top and scrolling to the bottom. Imperative handle stuff, baby. It's so cool. Good work. And then this is one of our favorite examples, of course, and the interesting stuff we had to do to make this thing render

00:47 where it's supposed to at the right time, not too early. And even the search params updating properly and being synchronized across multiple components and all of that stuff with context. Cool, cool stuff right there. Well done on that. And then remember, I just love the tic-tac-toe

01:05 one. I think that one's a lot of fun getting deep into our reducer stuff. And remember, we had our simple counter that was like a not so simple counter because we're doing all sorts of reducer things and making all the different APIs that you could with just by changing the reducer. I think it's pretty cool. And I think you should be proud of yourself for what

01:25 you've accomplished in this workshop. So good job you. This is Kent signing off.