Current section: Control Props 30 exercises

Dad Joke Break Control Props

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00:00 My dentist is the best. He even has a little plaque. Gross! Make sure you brush your teeth, folks. Maybe this would be a good time, like during this break, go brush your teeth. If you haven't brushed it today or recently, then yeah, make sure

00:15 you brush your teeth. My uncle was my dentist growing up, so yeah, I remember when I had to get a dentist that was not my uncle when I moved away, and I felt kind of weird. I almost like, wrong. It was like, wait, I'm supposed to go to my uncle. Anyway, I liked my dentist. He was great. He always had a, like, a little

00:32 treasure chest of toys that you could get if you were good for the dentist, which I loved. Bouncy balls and stuff like that. So anyway, hopefully you had a good time with this one. It's a good time to write down the stuff that you learned so you don't forget it. So do that now!