Advanced React Patterns Workshop 30 exercises

Outro to Advanced React Patterns


00:00 Wow, great work. Let's review what you've done because you did a lot. There was a lot of cool patterns that you learned in this exercise, or this series of exercises. So we learned about composition with this fun little UI where we reorganized things to the max,

00:17 maybe a little bit overboard, but now you understand how to compose things together in a really nice way for whatever it is that you're doing, these layout components that you're building, all that cool stuff. So that was cool. Then our latest ref thing, that was a bit of a mind bend with the debounce stuff,

00:33 but kind of interesting. So we click on this and then we can increment this a lot, and it increments by the latest amount of that step, which was not the case when we started, right? So debounce is kind of interesting. And then we got into our toggle era,

00:49 where we learned about compound components with the toggle components and the toggle on, toggle off, and then we took that to the slots and that was kind of interesting. And then we went over to hooks. So we have our use toggle with prop collections and getters. Don't use the collections, use the getters. And then state initializer, state reducer,

01:07 and finishing off with the control prop where we can keep things in sync and totally controlled and uncontrolled at the same time. Lots of stuff going on here. You should feel really great about yourself for finishing this one because it's a lot. And so well done. I'm proud of you. Have a good one.