Current section: Slots 30 exercises

Slot Context

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00:00 So, let's dive into our text field so we can provide the slot context. So, let's make our slots first. It's already generating an ID and everything for us. We just need to provide that as part of our available slots. So, slots, and we've got a label.

00:16 That should have, yeah, our AI assistant's a little bit overzealous here. We don't need a props object. It's just simple HTML4 ID and our input. And goodness gracious, let's just put it all in one line. There we go. And then we want to wrap this in a slot context.

00:35 So, slot context, which actually isn't implemented yet. So, see, we're trying to pull it from all these exercises and stuff. We don't want to do that. Now, what we actually need to do is come over here to our slots, and we need to create that slot context first. So, let's first, we'll grab this type. So, this is the slots object.

00:53 It is an object of strings and then another object of strings and whatever their properties are. So, we're basically describing the type for this slots object. So, then we've got our slot context.

01:09 Slot context is create context from React. And this is of type slots, and we can actually default this one. So, you may have noticed I don't typically provide a default value for my create context, but this is one situation where it actually does make sense.

01:27 So, I should be able to render an input without having a slot provider, and the input will look for slots and be like, oh, there's just none there. That's fine. I'll just render the props that you gave me. So, this is one case where having a default actually does make sense. So, with that slot context created, we'll expose it,

01:45 and we'll come back over here to our text field, and we'll render the slot context right here, and our children goes here, except you've got to spell it right. It doesn't work if you spell it wrong, or at least it only works if you spell it consistently.

02:03 You don't have to spell it right. It just has to be consistent with itself. There's probably a lesson in that. Okay, great. So, we've got our slots. Now we come over here to our slot context because we need to consume that slot context for the label and the input. If I click on this, we're still not associating stuff.

02:21 Even though we're providing that value, we're not consuming it. So, we're going to make a function called useSlotProps. We're going to accept some props that we need to be responsible for merging, and then we're also going to accept a slot string.

02:36 So, for the type for these props, we're going to turn this into a generic props, and then we're going to return props. And that, then, we need to retrieve the slots.

02:51 So, slots, useSlotContext, and we'll have to pull that in from React. And then we're going to return a merge of all these props. Now, in React ARIA, there's a pretty interesting and advanced merge props utility that they have

03:10 that handles, like, calling all the functions properly and merging class names and different stuff like that. And you'd want to implement that in a real-world scenario, but for simplicity, we're just going to merge objects here. So, we're going to merge all of the slot props here first,

03:29 and then we're actually also going to provide the slot itself, the name of the slot. So, that's, like, useful for styling purposes and stuff because it'll end up on the DOM node. And then we'll, last, tack on all the props. So, overrides will work.

03:44 And with that, now, I'm going to say props equals useSlotProps, and label is going to be the slot that we're trying to access for this one, and input for this one. And now, everything should work. If I click on Venue, we're focused on the right thing.

04:03 We're getting our generated ID, you'll notice there, also. And so, yeah, things look awesome. Looking at the app right here, I can customize the ID. I can say ID my text, save that.

04:18 And if I select this, boom, I got ID of my text on the label and input, and it's all associated, and it's awesome, and I love it. And if I wanted to, I could override it here, my non-text, whatever. And now the IDs are different, and so it's not properly associated. I don't want to do that.

04:36 But we could do it on both, my non-text. Boom, and now they are properly. Oh, hold on, they're not. My non-text right here, my non-text right there. Oh, that's interesting, because this needs to be HTML4. There we go. Now they're properly associated, so we're in a good place there.

04:54 So, you have the ability to override things if you want to, but you typically would not, because that is part of the value of having the slot, some of this logic is encapsulated and handled for you. And so now you have a really simple text field that is reusable,

05:11 and we have the different elements that now this label can be used in other places, which, spoiler alert for the future, the near future. But, yeah, we have these components that can kind of be mixed and matched between the different slottable compound components.

05:27 So, yeah, let's actually just one more time, let's review. So, we're going to create this slots object. We're going to pass that to the slot context. The slot context is a pretty simple object of objects. Inside of these slottable components,

05:44 they're going to access their props through the use slot props. It's going to grab all of the available slots from whatever provider we're at, and then we're going to return an object that merges all of the props that the slot provider said it needs with the props that it's received itself,

06:03 and then we spread those like peanut butter across the different elements.