Current section: Inputs 59 exercises


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00:00 You remember how a little while ago we were talking about how you label inputs, and one mechanism you can use is to just create a label element. Inside you put some text that will be the label, and the input that will be the thing that is labeled. And that works great, but it typically doesn't work super nicely for the UI that you're trying

00:19 to build. You need to have it styled in a special way. Checkboxes are kind of an exception to this. Lots of the time you want the checkbox sitting right next to the text that's labeling it. It's done in this way, so the checkbox comes first, then the text. This is going to depend largely on your design and all of that stuff, but we're going to

00:37 be doing that in this exercise, and of course our type is not going to be text, it will be checkbox. But yeah, a couple of things to think about when putting this one together. So get it done, and we'll move on to the next.