Current section: Error Boundaries 59 exercises

Dad Joke Break Error Boundaries

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00:00 Why did the kid throw the clock out the window? He wanted to see time fly. Ha ha All right. Awesome. So that was a good exercise. I hope you had a good time I am just so thrilled with all the cool learning that you're experiencing. This is great Make sure you write it down so that you don't forget it I've got a pen right here and a pad of paper

00:20 Or if you do things digitally, no shame you can actually do the combo I've seen the cool devices where you can write it by hand and it turns into a digital thing. It's amazing however, you do it writing it down helps you remember it and that is the important thing that you remember what you're learning and

00:36 Yeah, then you take care of your brain as well. So get your body moving get some blood flowing and then come back We're not done