Current section: Inputs 59 exercises

Dad Joke Break Inputs

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00:00 Now, I'll tell you what often gets overlooked, garden fences. Ha ha. All right, this is break time, a good time to get a little bit of a chuckle in. It's good for your brain to laugh occasionally and smile and all that stuff, so you should smile sometimes.

00:14 I did fill up my water and I'm going to take a drink and we are, I want you to move your body a little bit, get blood flowing and take down some notes on the stuff that you learned in this exercise so you don't forget about it and be like, wait, what was that all about? You got to write it down. That'll help you remember it better.

00:31 And then of course you can always come back to this stuff later, but it's better if you don't have to. And yeah, then come back and continue learning.