00:00 Hey you, good job, you did it. You went from hello world all the way to like the other fun things we did. Sam's favorite food, green eggs and ham. Do you remember creating the DOM node? And then we went on to the beauties of create element with React and then we went into JSX and components and like wow, that was cool
00:18 and all the TypeScript stuff that we did. And then we got into our styling stuff and making all these beautiful blue boxes and the composition of the box components and all that stuff, pretty cool. And then we went way deep on forms, got all sorts of cool things and even got into like handling errors and stuff
00:36 and try again, super cool stuff. And then finally with all of the key stuff, then that nonsense, so many things that you've learned in this series of exercises, you should feel very accomplished, well done. And I look forward to seeing all the cool things that you build with this knowledge
00:54 that you've learned about React, awesome job.