Current section: Styling 59 exercises


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00:00 We're going to do some pretty cool fancy multi-cursor magic right here. So I'm going to take all of these, we're going to say class, name, box, and then we'll say our box, dash, dash, these. This one's sizeless, we'll take that out.

00:16 And then we'll say style, and the attributes are background color, background color, and that should be this. And our font style should be italic. Boom, look at that.

00:34 And then we'll go update this one, it's not colorless, there's no sizeless class name or anything like that. But with that, holy smokes, it's magic, it works. All right, so this one didn't have a whole lot to it. Each one needs a class name, each one needs a style,

00:49 and the sizeless colorless box should still have a class name of box, and it should still be italic, but it doesn't need a size or color. And that gets us styling with a class name and style, applying all of these awesome CSS properties

01:08 or things to these different elements. So if you got that, good job, let's move on.