Current section: Client Components 27 exercises

Node.js Loader

Loading exercise


00:00 So, to get started for this one, the first thing I want you to do is go into the package.json and update the dev script so that it actually evaluates this. The important part here being, or the difference, the change, being this dash dash import server register RSC loader.

00:15 So, this is going to be the thing that allows us to convert the code that's being imported so that instead of importing the actual module, we're importing use client or the transformed module because of the use client directive.

00:31 There's actually quite a lot that goes on in our node loader, and even some of it is implemented by the React server DOM ESM module. And like I said, it's not a node workshop or anything, so I'm going to give a lot of that to you. What I really want to try and give you in this experience is understanding of how all

00:50 of these pieces work together, not necessarily how to implement the low-level pieces. So, you're going to get that out of this, so you're going to be uncommenting a bunch of stuff and adding some console logs to a couple of places to really understand things.

01:07 When we're done with this exercise, you're not actually going to be able to load client components quite yet. We're going to have to get into the next step of the exercise to do that, but you should be able to console log things and see that things are working and the result is what

01:27 we expect. So, that's what you're going to be looking at. You'll want to check your console logs that are in the server, not in the client because we're not actually sending anything to the client yet. Okay. Great. So, start with this and then follow the instructions from the emoji and you should have great success. See you when you're done.