Current section: Server Actions 27 exercises

Server Side

Loading exercise


00:00 So, now we get to do the server side of things. We are sending in a header this path to the file, and so we can dynamically import this file, and then call this function. Of course, there are security implications and things like that here, too, that you need to consider, which we will sort of address a little bit.

00:19 But it's no different than anything else that you would do. So, what we're going to be doing is updating our server-side code to handle this. A lot of this is going to be kind of given to you, because this is not a HanoJS workshop. But it also has some implications on our UI,

00:36 because the server-side needs to send not only the new UI based on the changes that we made, but also the response from the action that we called. So, we're going to change a little bit of our UI just to handle that, and then we're going to add a special action handler for handling this action.

00:54 When we're finished, then this actually should be sort of working, working pretty well, and you'll actually be able to change ship names, and that'll be pretty fun. Of course, whenever you restart the server, we're not actually persisting these,

01:09 so that any time you restart the server, you're going to get the names as they are currently. But while the server's running, yeah, you should be able to change all of the names by the end of this exercise. So, let's get into it.