React Suspense Workshop 29 exercises

Outro to React Suspense


00:00 Hey, congratulations, you did it. This is awesome. Look at this really cool app that you put together using all the cool suspense features. Look at this awesome optimistic UI that we have with the messages coming in and all of that stuff. Super duper cool. And then ultimately coming down to this thing where we've got the Galaxy Cruiser.

00:19 Look how fast that is. And then I type it again and it's so fast. Oh, it's amazing. Yeah, we went through data fetching with suspense and then we figured out how to build the use hook. You built the use hook, that's awesome. And then from that we learned why we can't like just call fetch directly in our render and we have to do a couple of optimizations

00:39 for caching perspective and all of that stuff with dynamic stuff, super cool. That optimistic UI is just so good, so awesome. And optimizing our images so that users aren't confused when looking at an old image and stuff and realizing that suspense isn't just about asynchronous stuff for data fetching,

00:57 but it's any asynchronous thing, pretty cool. And making our UI responsive as we're typing and the optimizations we just did, so much cool stuff. And you should feel really proud of yourself for getting through this. It's a lot of work, you did an awesome job. I'm happy that you joined me for this and I look forward to seeing all the cool things that you build with this knowledge.

01:17 Cheers.