
How React Uses Closures to Avoid Bugs

Kent C. Dodds
Kent C. Dodds

When the world moved from React class components and lifecycle methods to React function components and hooks, we left behind a bug that many of us didn't even know was plaguing our class-based codebases. This bug was sneaky, hard to identify and reproduce, and it would pop up in places due to seemingly harmless changes over time. To make matters worse, the situations where it pops up are not always bugs, sometimes it's an intended behavior. So you can't even lint against it.

The bug has to do with the mutability of this.props. I'm not talking about you the developer mutating this.props (you shouldn't do that). I'm talking about when the parent component re-renders and passes new props, this.props suddenly points to completely new values. This is by design. I mean, when your render method re-runs due to an update in the props, you don't want to render the old props. You want the latest values so the React elements you return shows the right information.

The problem is actually pretty simple. It typically crops up when you have an event handler or lifecycle method that does something asynchronous. Imagine, you start the async thing, then props change while that is in flight, when your code continues this.props has the latest values rather than the values that existed at the time the function started running.

Let's add some clarity to this. I've put together a little demo which you can play with below. When you click on the ❤️ button, that'll toggle the liked state, but it has to do an async check to determine whether you're permitted to like/unlike the post. That's hard-coded to take 3 seconds to give you time to experience the problem. The specific use case is irrelevant. What matters more is the fact that this.props gets changed from beneath you during that async operation.

So, in the demo below, try this:

  1. Click the ❤️ button 2. Before the 3 seconds time is up, change the post selection 3. Observe differences

The Old Default with Classes

Post 1

by Geordi

This is post number 1

The New Default with Hooks

Post 1

by Geordi

This is post number 1

Simulating The Old Default with Hooks

Post 1

by Geordi

This is post number 1

Simulating The New Default with Classes

Post 1

by Geordi

This is post number 1

You should observe that with the broken examples (like "The Old Default with Classes"), the post that's updated is the currently active post.

Here's the code for that post (structured to optimize for minimizing distraction):

import * as React from 'react'
import {AppContext} from './provider'
import {canLike} from './utils'
import {PostView} from './post-view'
class Post extends React.Component {
static contextType = AppContext
handleLikeClick = async () => {
if (!(await canLike(, this.context.user))) return
render() {
return (
<PostView post={} onLikeClick={this.handleLikeClick} />
export {Post}

The important bit here is the canLike utility that takes a while to run. So when you click on ❤️, the code execution "pauses" for a little while before continuing to the this.context.toggleLike( call. This means that when you change the active post, is pointing to the wrong thing and the toggleLike call goes to the new post, not the one we were trying to like.

This is easily solved, as demonstrated in the "Simulating The New Default with Classes" example:

handleLikeClick = async () => {
const {post} = this.props
const {user, toggleLike} = this.context
if (!(await canLike(post, user))) return

Basically, we create a variable for everything our function is going to need before we call the async canLike function. That way it doesn't matter what happens with this.props, we're always referencing what was at the time ❤️ was clicked, which is what the user intended.

Oh, and did you notice the other potential bug that the refactor avoided? No? Well you may have noticed that I also destructure user and toggleLike from this.context. This isn't just because I like the convention of destructuring things at the top of the function. It's because if the toggleLike function were to change on us during that async call then we may be calling a new version of that function which references a different user resulting in that new user liking the post instead of the one who clicked the button.

This bug bit me a few times with class components, so much that I created a convention for myself to always destructure everything I needed from this. in a function at the top of the function (like in the solution above).

But wouldn't it be better if we just changed the default? Yup! And that's what hooks did for us!

Here's the code for "The New Default with Hooks" example:

import * as React from 'react'
import {useApp} from './provider'
import {canLike} from './utils'
import {PostView} from './post-view'
function Post(props) {
const {user, toggleLike} = useApp()
async function handleLikeClick() {
if (!(await canLike(, user))) return
return <PostView post={} onLikeClick={handleLikeClick} />
export {Post}

In this case, we don't need to worry because the props our component is called with each render will never change for all functions in the component. This is because each render, all functions are created as brand-new functions. And when a function is created, it grabs a reference to all variables outside of itself and hangs onto it for as long as that function exists.

When a re-render is triggered, a new props object is created and passed to our function component. At that time a brand new handleLikeClick is created which has reference to the latest version of props. But if an old version of that function is still running, it's fine because it still has access to the version of props it was called with to begin with. (If this concept is not sinking in, you can learn more about how closures work here).

One interesting observation is that this example actually has nothing to do with classes vs hooks, but really classes vs function components. But the same could be said of componentDidMount vs useEffect.

Function components flip the default, and I would argue that it's a good trade that helps us avoid that surreptitious bug.

Simulate the old default

Just like it's possible to simulate the hooks default behavior with class components, it's possible to simulate the classes default behavior with function components. Here's the code for that example:

import * as React from 'react'
import {useApp} from './provider'
import {canLike} from './utils'
import {PostView} from './post-view'
function Post(props) {
const {user, toggleLike} = useApp()
const postRef = React.useRef(
React.useEffect(() => {
postRef.current =
async function handleLikeClick() {
if (!(await canLike(postRef.current, user))) return
return <PostView post={} onLikeClick={handleLikeClick} />
export {Post}

Refs allow you to update a value without trigger re-renders. It gives you a similar mutable API to this. (when refactoring class components, useRef is my go-to for any instance values if I can't simplify things as variables within a single useEffect).

Of course, the above example is buggy, so you wouldn't do that. But are there situations where the old default was a good idea? Most certainly! A good example of such a case is a debounce function like this one Yago shared with me during my office hours recently.

Here's a naive implementation of debounce:

function debounce(fn, delay) {
let timer
return (...args) => {
timer = setTimeout(() => {
}, delay)

And here's a naive implementation of a useDebounce hook:

function useDebounce(callback, delay) {
return debounce(callback, delay)

Unfortunately, that won't work because you be creating a brand new debounceed version of your function every render which results in the debounce timer variable being different for each one so the debounce is actually just a delay and doesn't actually debounce anything. So let's memoize that:

function useDebounce(callback, delay) {
return React.useMemo(() => debounce(callback, delay), [callback, delay])

The callback and delay are required, otherwise you'd end up with a debounce function that can't react to changes in the delay and it would always call an old version of the callback which would have access to old variables and likely result in bugs.

However, this API means that someone would have to memoize the callback otherwise you'd get a new debounce function every render which brings us back to the problem that lead to use memoizing this in the first place:

const myFn = React.useCallback(() => {
// do debounced stuff
}, [vars, i, need])
const debouncedMyFn = useDebounce(myFn, 500)

But that's not a great API. This is one situation where the new default as described above doesn't work very well. But we can use refs to get around the problem!

function useDebounce(callback, delay) {
const callbackRef = React.useRef(callback)
// Why useLayoutEffect? ->
React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
callbackRef.current = callback
return React.useMemo(
() => debounce((...args) => callbackRef.current(...args), delay),

Sweet, so now people don't need to worry about memoizing their callback:

const myFn = () => {
// do debounced stuff
const debouncedMyFn = useDebounce(myFn, 500)

For this kind of use case, we should be safe from the aforementioned bug and we have a nice API to boot. I'm satisfied.

If you're curious of real-world scenarios where people have done this to simulate the old default, we actually build something like this in EpicReact.Dev's Advanced React Hooks Workshop with a custom useAsync hook. Dan Abramov's useInterval blog post does this as well. And react-query does this for your queryFns.


React made the decision to flip the default from things changing out from under you to relying on closures to preserve the value of variables at the time a function is defined. This helps us avoid non-obvious bugs and instead forces us to confront issues before we ship to production. It can definitely be a little confusing until you have a solid grasp on how closures work. Despite that, this is a good change, and our apps are more bug-free thanks to it. 🚫🐛🚫

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